Honinbo Shusaku vs. Gennan Inseki, 1846GoBase.org
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problem 1Replay L2-0001.sgf

black to play

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Kyo KagenYu Zhengqi

The moment white resigned Kyo Kagen was ahead by some 5-6 points in the 3rd game of the 60th Judan title match.
Maybe it was the unexpected win in the 2nd game but the result of this match, three straight wins, will surprise many. More excitement was generally expected. Anyway, the games were entertaining.

Replay game-03.sgf

Kyo KagenYu Zhengqi

Already in the early stages of this game the AI prefered black. But at 171 black goes wrong, not decisively but most of the lead slips away. When black goes wrong again with 175 things seem beyond repair.

Replay game-02.sgf

Iyama YutaIchiriki Ryo

Game 7 @ KataGo: Critical moment...
KataGo's evaluation graph

The critical moment in this game seems around 65. White has a few weak groups and needs ways to settle them. The AI engine KataGo does not agree with white's choices in this phase as the LizGoban graph below shows. The graph shows that at move 89 black is leading 0.5 point and the chance to carry home this lead is 56%.
A better way to settle? Let's see what the experts will find out once the analysis will reach us.

Replay game-07.sgf

Iyama YutaIchiriki Ryo

Game 6 @ W126: To push or capture?
Diagram 1: To push or capture?
Game 6 @ W194: Group turns ko
Diagram 2: Group turns ko

To me the two key points in this game are diagram 1 and 2.

Black is using a sacrifice strategy of his marked stones to attack the large marked white group. In the game white pushed with A instead of capturing the black stones immediately.

At move 194 the whole group depends on the outcome of this ko. Does the saying hold: "big groups don't die"?

Replay game-06.sgf

Iyama YutaIchiriki Ryo

Game 3 @ W168: Not enough for white
Diagram 1: Not enough for white
Game 3 @ B169: Keep it simple
Diagram 2: Keep it simple

The key moment in the third game seems around move 168 of white. With this move white decides to save the cutting stones in the center because following the alternative as in the first diagram seems to give black a win in points.

With 169 black could have compromised as in the second diagram. Both marked groups are captured, leaving a rather simple endgame with a slight margin for black. White probably will continue C (to remove the A, C, D cut), which enables black to take the big point at B.

However, both players like complications (for different reasons) so the game took a completely different course from here...

Replay game-03.sgf


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[full schedule]

14th Chun-Lan Cup 2022
22nd Agon Cup 2021Lightning Go
26th Samsung Cup 2021
23rd Nongshim Cup 2021Match Go
8th Globis Cup 2021
26th LG Cup 2021
7th Kuksu Mountains 2021
9th Ing Cup 2020
8th CCTV Cup 2020Match Go
31st Asian TV Cup 2019Lightning Go
9th Huanglongshi Cup 2019Female Go
4th MLily Cup 2019
1st Shinan Senior Cup 2019Match Go
4th Bailing Cup 2019
1st Tianfu Cup 2018


77th Honinbo 2022
60st Judan 2022
69th NHK 2022Lightning Go
46th Kisei 2022
1st Teikei Cup 2021
47th Tengen 2021
16th Wakagoi Cup 2021
28th Agon Cup 2021Lightning Go
40th Honinbo 2021Female Go
69th Oza 2021
46th Meijin 2021
6th Senko Cup 2021Female Go
46th Shinjin-O 2021
4th SGW Cup 2021
8th Aizu Cup 2021Female Go
46th Gosei 2021
24th Kisei 2021Female Go
26th Pro Pair-Go 2021Pair Go
29th Ryu-sei Cup 2020Lightning Go
32nd Meijin 2020Female Go
6th Grand Champion 2019


22nd Maxim Cup 2021
4th Ryusei 2021
5th Female Kisung 2021Female Go
44th Myungin 2021
2nd Supreme Player 2021
26th Guksu 2021Female Go
9th Guksu Cup 2021
4th Crown Haitai Cup 2021
26th GS Caltex Cup 2020
 Korean League 2020Match Go
37th KBS Wang 2019Lightning Go
17th Female Myungin 2016Defunct tournament


22nd Agon Cup 2021Lightning Go
6th CCTV Cup 2021Lightning Go
16th Weifu Fangkai 2021
17th Changqi 2021
5th Qisheng 2021
12th Longxing 2021
25th Xinren 2021
35th Tianyuan 2021
8th Quzhou 2021
 Chinese A League 2020Match Go
2nd Female Mingren 2020Female Go
32nd Mingren 2019


13th haifeng 2021
17th ZhongHuan 2010
5th GuoShou 2009
3rd Aixin 2009
9th DongGang 2009
5th WangJia 2009
2nd Qisheng 2009
8th Tianyuan 2009
1st Licho 2007
1st Yayi 2007

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