5th Obayashi Cup
7th and 8th September 1996
The Netherlands

The tournament formula for this year is basically the same as the previous three editions of the Obayashi Cup (the 1st edition was a side event while the European Go Cultural Centre was opened). All players participate in a preliminary tournament on Saturday trying to qualify for the play-off on Sunday. However, this year also those who don't qualify can join an extra tournament on Sunday (explained below) to celebrate the 5th year of existance of the Obayashi Cup.

The Preliminary MacMahon Tournament
The preliminary tournament is played on Saturday:

	MacMahon Tournament
	09:00 - 10:00      Arrival
	10:45 - 11:00      Opening
	11:00 - 12:30    1st round
	13:00 - 14:30    2nd round
	15:00 - 16:30    3rd round
	17:00 - 18:30    4th round
	19:00 - 20:00 Prize giving
The prizes for the MacMahon tournament are attractive to all players regardless of rank and strength:
	MacMahon Tournament Prizes
	2 points:         fl  20,=
	3 points:         fl 100,=
	4 points:         fl 200,=
And besides these prizes Obayashi will prepare 10 very attractive lotery prizes for which your subscription batch is your lotery number. In the Obayashi tournament all players have equal chances to win a nice prize.

Championship Play-off
When you reach one of the top 16 positions in the MacMahon tournament you qualify for the play-off the next day. A 4 round knockout tournament decides who will become the 1996 Obayashi Cup title holder:

	Play-off Schedule
	11:00 - 12:30    1st round
	13:00 - 14:30    2nd round
	15:00 - 16:30    3rd round
	17:00 - 18:30    4th round
	19:00 - 20:00 Prize giving
The prizes for the play-off tournament are very attractive:
	Play-off Prizes
	9th/16th place   fl  125,=
	5th/8th  place   fl  250,=
	3th/4th  place   fl  500,=
	Runner-up        fl 1000,=
	Champion         fl 2000,=

Knockout Leagues
Since it is the 5th Obayashi Cup we celebrate this by playing a two-day competition for all participants this year (so not only for the top 16 champion group qualifiers). These extra groups (let's call them leagues) will consist of 16 players consisting of the numbers 17-32, 33-48, ... according to the ranking in the first day's MacMahon preliminary tournament. People who prefer not to participate on Sunday are free to withdraw from this extra event. They will simply be taken out and all participants below will shift up one place. To compensate for strength differences these leagues will play with reduced handicap (rank difference -2 stones). To ensure that the final of the champion group can be attended by all players present the leagues will run an accelerated schedule: 30min/pp instead of 45min/pp as in the top group. This will ensure that they are finished half an hour before the final starts (see schedule above):

	Knockout League Schedule
	11:00 - 12:00    1st round
	12:30 - 13:30    2nd round
	14:00 - 15:00    3rd round
	15:30 - 16:30    4th round
	19:00 - 20:00 Prize giving
The prizes in these league groups are as follows:
	Knockout League Prizes
	3rd place          fl 25,=
	2nd place          fl 50,=
	Winner             fl 75,=

Youth Tournament
All children up to the age of 15 years are welcome to participate the youth tournament on Sunday. The tournament starts at 12:00, and subscription is possible until one hour in advance (no entry fee required).
Attending Japanese professional and devoted children teacher Yasuda Yasutoshi 8 dan will perform the opening and prize giving for this tournament.
Since Yasuda Yasutoshi sensei loves Go drawings he will award a special prize for the best drawing on Go so bring lots of your artistic work to the tournament place!

Side Activities
On Sunday we have various side events like the professional teaching games and the game commentaries on the semi-final and final game of the Championship play-off. You're all welcome to participate these events.

You can register for the Obayashi Cup by pre-registration only. Besides, we have a registration stop at 256 participants this year so be in time with your registration.
You can subscribe for the Obayashi Cup by filling out the following form:

    Name                 ................................................
    Address              ................................................
    City                 ................................................
    Country              ................................................
    Go Club              ................................................
    Go Strength          ................................................
    Participate Knockout ....................................... (yes/no)
    Youth Player         ....................................... (yes/no)
    Birth date           ................................................
This form has to be received by the organizing committee before Friday the 30th of August 1996. Please send it to:
    Obayashi Cup 1996
    Schokland 14
    1081 HV  Amstelveen
    The Netherlands
    Phone: (+31) 20 64.55555
    Email: egcc@xs4all.nl
    PostBank: 43627
You can pay the entree fee in advance (much prefered of course, but in that case please pay at least 10 days in advance) or at the venue place before 10 a.m. on Saturday the 7th of September. The subscription fee is fl 15,=, or fl 10,= for children and students (with identification).

Page creation: Jan van der Steen