aclat, 6k* versus jansteen, 3d* (1994-04-16)

Figure 6: B 12 -- B 16

In the real game: Index * Backward * Forward
Variations: Parent * Previous * Next
From this diagram: Variation 1 (Hard to find) * Variation 2 (Hard to play)

figure 6

This move seems too concerned with the upper-right corner. The lower-right is bigger now. The black player shouldn't fear a white move at r17, this will loose some territory, but weaken the outside white group at the same time.
White gets one of his follow-up shapes (one of r12's follow-ups).
White plays very thick again. Actually white could switch somewhere else, since the group seems to be able to take care of itself. However, when it is "extra-thick" it can be used to attack or as back-up for invasions around r6 for example.
This move shows that black is worried about an invasion here. The shape made with q7 is slightly "nurui" though. "Nurui" is Japanese Go jargon for a move which is "flesh nor fish". It tries to do two things at the same time, but does both poorly/half. Better moves are shown in variation "Hard to find" and "Hard to play".