Main line
This position shows the main line in the small Chinese fuseki.
With 7 black set up the typical pattern.
The right side is the most important place now so
white's next move will most of the time be on or near A.
White pincers (I)
Since after black 5 the bottom is important
the white pincer with 6 makes sense. It has
been applied quite a lot recently (mids-2000)
by the Chinese and Korean professionals.
White pincers (II)
Of course, white can also apply this pincer.
The idea is the same as the previous diagram:
establish a position along the bottom of
the board.
White anticipates
With 6 white anticipates black's intentions
regarding the bottom of the board. Since
white didn't answer the kakari at 5 the
most logical continuation is A in this position.
Request: T.K.Ahn