7th Meijin Title 1982
Title Match
During the 2nd game of the title match Otake suffered a strained
back after the previous night festival and couldn't sleep all night.
After 30 minutes of the first day opening (at 6 moves), he could not
continue to play.
He had his back treated at the hospital in Amagasaki city, carried by an
ambulance from Takarazuka.
Fortunately he could come back at noon and continue to play sitting in
a chair (for the first time during a title match).
The time consumption of move B7 was recorded as 2.5 hours.
The first day was finished after 27 moves at 16:00.
(As an aside: Cho Chikun was injured in a traffic accident on the
6th of January 1986, and he had to play the 10th Kisei title match
in a wheel chair.)
Shimamura revived from the qualification knockout like a phoenix.
However, he suddenly broke down by a cerebral apoplexy during
the 14th league game (against Sakata Eio).
He tried to stand up, but couldn't so the game was over at 141 move.
Because he forfeited his remaining 4 games as well the 7th league
was finished after 32 games.
Qualification Finals
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Page creation: Jan van der Steen