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The pointers below are useful to remember the computer Go related resources on the web. Some users have notified that some of the pointers to the reports have become invalid over the years. So if any of the authors or readers of this page know the new location please let us know and we'll adjust the reference.


Mahjong Solitaire:
Free Online Mahjongg Games Kostenlos Mahjong Spielen Gratis Mahjong Spellen

Myong-ji University, Korea
The University of Myong-ji (Yong-In, Korea) has a baduk (Go) faculty where students are taught in various fields related to Go.
University of Maastricht
The University of Maastricht has a game group including Go.
University of Alberta
The University of Alberta has an excellent computer game research group that includes computer go.
Intelligent Go Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of computer Go.
Tristan Cazenave external link
On Computer Go and his program Gogol
AGA external link
Computer Go
Orego external link
Peter Drake on the Orego project at the Lewis & Clark College
Dave Dyer external link
On his go program
Paul Goldberg external link
On Gogo, the Go-playing java applet
David Fotland external link
On Many Faces of Go
Anders Kierulf
On SmartGo
Jim Mattson external link
On his rating system
David Mechner and Tim Klinger external link
On their Computer Program
Martin Müller external link
On many things, amongst others his program Explorer
Eric Pettersen external link
Computer Go ladder
Mick Reiss external link
On Computer Go in general and his program Go++
Commercial version of the program:
Peter Smith external link
On his personal experience doing research in Computer playing Go programs.
David Weiss external link
On the computer Go program Moyoman
On GnuGo external link
Mailing list
Dyer, Dave
Searching, tree pruning and tree ordering in Go
Enzenberger, Markus
The Integration of A Priori Knowledge into a Go Playing Neural Network
Online Computer Go Bibliography
Erbach, David
Computer Go -- An international bulletin devoted to the generation and exchange of ideas about Computer Go.
Greenberg, Jeffrey
Breeding software to Play Go
Kirkpatrick, James & Chalmers, Karen
Go and Percolation Theory
Roughly one year ago we obtained a collection of Go games from We used this collection to run a statistical analysis on go games, which suggested that the patterns of stones created during the game are of a fractal nature. Me and my partner Karen Chalmers wrote reports showing the evidence and discussing the implications of this discovery.

Landman, Howard A.
Fractional Eyes
Rosin, Chris
Methods for Competitive Co-evolution: Finding Opponents Worth Beating
Rosin, Chris
A Competitive Approach to Game Learning
Schraudolph, Nici
Introduction to Neural Networks
The IGS Archives (1994, 1995)
The ftp site contains *all* games played on the Internet Go Server. A goldmine for Computer Scientists who need Go games. (Due to the huge amount of data it seems the files are not online all the time. Please contact IGS admin for details.)
The Computer Go Mailing list
When you are (thinking of) writing a Go computer program you might want to get in touch with the other authors, or try the program's strength out against one of the other programs, but you should definitely join the Computer Go mailing list (
The AGA Computer Go Page.
Lots of references and pointers.
Good Numbers
Good Number Generators
Neural Net's
Neural Network Resources
Material available for downloading

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