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Boorman 1969: Scott A. Boorman, "The Protracted Game: a Wei-ch'i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy" (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1969)

Cheng 1988: Cheng Xiaoliu, "Gulao de Zang Qi" [Ancient Tibetan go], Zhongguo Weiqi Nianjian 1987, pp. 402-413 (Shu Rong Qiyi Chubanshe, Chengdu 1988)

Du 1987: Du Zhongde, ed., "Zhongguo Weiqi Shihua" [Historical tales of go in China] (Renmin Tiyu Chubanshe, Beijing, 1987)

Eberhard 1942: W. Eberhard, "Lokalkulturen im Alten China" [Local cultures in ancient China], Vol. I, pp. 100-116 (E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1942)

Fairbairn 1990: John Fairbairn, "Go on the Roof of the World", Go World, No. 58, Spring 1990, pp. 10-15 (Ishi Press, Tokyo)

Himly 1896: Karl Himly, "Die Abteilung der Spiele im `Spiegel der Mandschu-Sprache'" [The section on games in the 'Encyclopaedia of the Manchu language'], T'oung Pao, Series II, Vol. 7, pp. 135-146 (E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1896)

Karlgren 1951: Bernhard Karlgren, "Excursions in Chinese Grammar", Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, No. 23, pp. 107-133 (Stockholm, 1951)

Koizumi 1991: Koizumi Shingo, "Chugoku Kodai no Yugi Ryupo ni tsuite" [On the game liubo in ancient China], Yugi-shi Kenkyu No. 3, Oct. 1991 (Osaka)

Kotaka 1943: Kotaka Yoshisaburo, "Nihon no Yugi" [Games of Japan] (Hata Shoten, Tokyo, 1943)

Lau 1965: D. C. Lau, "Some Notes on the Sun-tzu", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Vol. 28, pp. 317-335 (London, 1965)

Li 1980a: Li Songfu, "Han-Wei de Weiqi" [Go in the Han and Wei periods], Wei Qi No. 99 pp. 27-29, No. 100 pp. 27-29, No. 101 pp. 18-19 (Shanghai, Jan.-Mar. 1980)

Li 1980b: Li Songfu, "Sun-Lue Yipu de Zhenwei" [Is the Sun-Lue game genuine?], Wei Qi No. 103, pp. 51-53 (Shanghai, May 1980)

Liu 1985: Liu Shancheng, ed. "Zhongguo Weiqi" [Go in China], 2 vols. (Shu Rong Qiyi Chubanshe, Chengdu 1985)

Masukawa 1983: Masukawa Koichi, "Tobaku III" [Gambling, Vol. III] (Hosei Daigaku Shuppankyoku, Tokyo, 1983)

Masukawa 1987: Masukawa Koichi, "Go" [Go] (Hosei Daigaku Shuppankyoku, Tokyo, 1987)

Murray 1952: H.J.R. Murray, "A History of Board-Games other than Chess" (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1952)

Needham 1962: Joseph Needham, "Science and Civilisation in China", Vol. 4 Part I, pp. 314-334 (Cambridge University Press, 1962)

Ogawa 1932 and 1933: Ogawa Takuji, "Shina ni okeru Iki no Kigen to Hattatsu" [Origin and development of go in China], Shinagaku, Vol. VI, No. III (July, 1932) pp. 57-76, and Vol. VII, No. I (May 1933) pp. 79-90 (Kobundo Shobo, Kyoto)

Potter 1985-86: Donald L. Potter, "Go in the Classics (ii): the Tso-chuan", Go World, No. 42, Winter 1985-86, pp. 19-21 (Ishi Press, Tokyo)

Shen [undated]: Shen Zicheng, "Weiqi" [Go] (Guoguang Shuju, Hong Kong, undated)

Sawyer 1993: Ralph D. Sawyer, "The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China", (Westview Press, Oxford, 1993)

Shirakawa 1993: Shirakawa Masayoshi, "Igo no Genryu wo Tazunete" [Seeking the origins of go], Igo Kurabu, No. 10 (October 1993), 136-138 (Nihon Kiin, Tokyo)

Watanabe H. 1983: Watanabe Hideo, "Chugoku Kokifu Sanpo" [Browsing through ancient Chinese go books] (Shinjusha, Tokyo, 1983)

Watanabe T. 1982: Watanabe Takeshi, "Chugoku Kodai no Banjo Yugi" [Ancient Chinese board games], Gekkan Hyakka, Part 241 (Heibonsha, Tokyo, Nov., 1982)

Watanabe Y. 1977: Watanabe Yoshimichi, "Kodai Igo no Sekai" [The ancient world of go] (San'ichi Shobo, Tokyo, 1977)

Yang L. 1960: Yang Liansheng, "Chugoku Iki Tsukurikata Hansen Shoko" [Some thoughts on changes in final counting in Chinese go], translated into Japanese, with additional note, by Go Seigen, Kido, Vol. 36, pp. 54-56 (Nihon Kiin, Tokyo, Oct., 1960)

Yang Y. 1946: Yang Yinshen, "Zhongguo Youyi Yanju" [Researches into Chinese pastimes] (Shijie Shuju, Shanghai, 1946)

Yasunaga 1977: Yasunaga Hajime, "Chugoku no Go" [Go in China] (Jiji Tsushin-sha, Tokyo, 1977)

© John Fairbairn, London 1995


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