Go rules |
There are only
a limited number of rules in the game of Go. These
pages will explain them to you, show an example of a
Go game and provide you with computer software so
you can get started immediately.
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Go articles |
The articles
presented are mainly technical and thus
intended for serious students of the game of Go.
Famous teachers, both amateur as professional provide
some indepth study material.
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Go problems |
Studying problems
is a way to train us, to solidly improve our
capabilities to read during actual games. Often we
want to do big things without doing the small
necessary things that big things need.
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Go opening patterns |
This overview contains
a collection of maybe some 25 joseki variations
which can be considered a beginners package to be
able to play Go games. The selection is not random
but carefully chosen, a so called repertoire.
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Go game gallery |
From an educational
perspective an efficient way to study a game
collection is by having the games ordered by a certain theme.
The Game Gallery provides you with such games.
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Go games analysed |
Some indepth game analysis
contributed to the Go Teaching Ladder.
A complete collection
is maintained by Jean-loup Gailly and Arno Hollosi.
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Go games commented |
Although most game records
on this site lack any comments, partly due to copyright
issues, partly because annotating games is a lot of work,
this collection below is an exception.
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Go schools |
Various professionals
offer online teaching facilities such as live games
with commentary or indepth analysis of your games
by E-mail. Enjoy this overview of selected teachers.
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