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The scoring below is based on the games found on this website played in the period 2003-01-31 till 2004-01-31, so it's most likely not the complete set of games played by these players. You can make these ranking more correct by keeping submitting games to The ordering is by the nett number of points scored, ie. the number of wins minus losses. Click on other column headers to change the default ordering.

The professional ranking based on the performance over the past 10 years is available as well.


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Professional ranking
Name M/F born # + - = +/- %
1 Korea Korea Lee ChangHo M 1975-07-29 49 33 16 0 17 67.35
2 Korea Korea Choi CheolHan M 1985-03-15 20 17 3 0 14 85.00
3 Korea Korea Lee SeDol M 1983-03-02 37 25 12 0 13 67.57
4 Japan Japan Yoda Norimoto M 1966-02-11 18 13 5 0 8 72.22
5 Korea Korea Cho HoonHyun M 1953-03-10 48 27 21 0 6 56.25
6 Korea Korea Kim JooHo M 1984-12-05 16 11 5 0 6 68.75
7 Korea Japan Cho Chikun M 1956-06-20 16 11 5 0 6 68.75
8 Korea Korea Mok JinSeok M 1980-01-20 14 10 4 0 6 71.43
9 China China Gu Li M 1983-02-03 10 8 2 0 6 80.00
10 Korea Korea Cho HyeYeon F 1985-06-07 10 8 2 0 6 80.00
11 China Korea Rui Naiwei F 1963-12-28 21 13 8 0 5 61.90
12 Taiwan Japan Cho U M 1980-01-20 21 13 8 0 5 61.90
13 Japan Japan Kobayashi Izumi F 1977-06-20 8 6 2 0 4 75.00
14 Japan Japan Mimura Tomoyasu M 1969-07-04 6 5 1 0 4 83.33
15 Taiwan Japan O Rissei M 1958-11-07 21 12 9 0 3 57.14
16 Korea Korea Won SeongJin M 1985-07-15 17 10 7 0 3 58.82
17 China China Qiu Jun M 1982-08-22 9 6 3 0 3 66.67
18 Japan Japan Yamada Kimio M 1972-09-09 5 4 1 0 3 80.00
19 Japan Japan Kobayashi Satoru M 1959-04-05 5 4 1 0 3 80.00
20 Korea Korea Park ByungKyu M 1981-07-09 3 3 0 0 3 100.00
21 China China Wang Lei M 1977-12-26 12 7 5 0 2 58.33
22 Korea Korea Park JiEun F 1983-11-04 12 7 5 0 2 58.33
23 China China Hu Yaoyu M 1982-01-18 8 5 3 0 2 62.50
24 Japan Japan Morita Michihiro M 1970-10-18 2 2 0 0 2 100.00
25 Korea Korea Song TaeKon M 1986-09-08 25 13 12 0 1 52.00
26 Japan Japan Hane Naoki M 1976-08-14 17 9 8 0 1 52.94
27 China China Zhou Xianheng M 1976-06-18 13 7 6 0 1 53.85
28 Japan Japan Kobayashi Koichi M 1952-09-10 11 6 5 0 1 54.55
29 China China Ding Wei M 1979-05-06 5 3 2 0 1 60.00
30 Japan Japan Komatsu Hideki M 1967-03-04 3 2 1 0 1 66.67
31 Korea Korea Kim HyeMin F 1986-01-01 3 2 1 0 1 66.67
32 Japan Japan Inori Yoko F 1974-06-14 3 2 1 0 1 66.67
33 Korea Korea Han JongJin M 1979-06-02 3 2 1 0 1 66.67
34 Korea Korea Choi WonYong M 1984-08-28 3 2 1 0 1 66.67
35 Korea Korea Hon Kochnoul F 1983-07-25 1 1 0 0 1 100.00
36 China France Fan Hui F 1981-12-27 1 1 0 0 1 100.00
37 Korea Korea An ChoYoung M 1979-09-25 26 13 13 0 0 50.00
38 Korea Korea Kim SungJun M 1973-03-23 12 6 6 0 0 50.00
39 Korea Korea Yoon SeongHyun M 1975-06-30 10 5 5 0 0 50.00
40 Korea Korea Yoon YoungSeon F 1977-11-22 6 3 3 0 0 50.00
41 Japan Japan Yuki Satoshi M 1972-02-11 4 2 2 0 0 50.00
42 USA Japan Michael Redmond M 1963-05-25 4 2 2 0 0 50.00
43 China China Zhang Wendong M 1969-05-05 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
44 Korea Korea Yoon Hyuk M 1984-04-22 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
45 Japan Japan Yamashiro Hiroshi M 1958-08-12 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
46 China China Wang Yuhui M 1976-06-14 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
47 Japan Japan Takemiya Masaki M 1951-01-01 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
48 Japan Japan Takahara Shuji M 1964-07-21 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
49 China Japan So Yokoku M 1979-09-11 2 1 1 0 0 50.00
50 Korea Korea Paek DaeHyun M 1978-05-15 2 1 1 0 0 50.00

(Submitted by:


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