2.3.1 Unconditional Death of Bent Four in the Corner (Elimination of Ko Threats)
Dia. 2-1 shows the bent four in the corner, which has long been
considered unconditionally dead in Japan. If White plays first the
result is a ko. If Black plays first he can only use the position as a
ko threat; he cannot live. If White eliminates all ko threats before
attacking, Black will be unable to fight the ko and will die. That is
the justification generally given, but it is extremely imperfect. In
Dia. 2-2, Black has a ko threat at 1 that White cannot remove. The
preceding justification is absurd, because in some cases all ko threats
can be removed but in other cases they cannot. You should verify that
by playing 1 as a ko threat and sacrificing two stones, Black can
save the group in the upper left. If a bent four in the corner is not
unconditionally dead, who wins the game in Dia. 2-2, and by how many
Dia. 2-1
Dia. 2-2
Dia. 2-3 shows a bent four in the corner in which the surrounding white
and black groups are involved in a double ko. Making the black group
on the right side also die through collapse of the seki is hard to
Dia. 2-3
The rule that a bent four in the corner is unconditionally dead is
unnatural and no logical explanation can be given for it. New rules
proposals will have to exclude this rule.