3.2 The Super-ko Rule (2)
If we continue with 8 and 9 in Dia. 3-2-6, however, something
interesting happens. If White plays 10 in Dia. 3-2-7, he repeats Dia.
3-2-4. White 10 is therefore prohibited. White must play 10 in Dia.
3-2-8 as a ko threat; then he can capture by playing 12 in Dia. 3-2-9.
Dia. 3-2-4 |
Dia. 3-2-6 |
Dia. 3-2-7 |
Dia. 3-2-8 |
Dia. 3-2-9 |
If we play on, after White 14 in Dia. 3-2-10 Black A is not allowed* because it would repeat Dia. 3-2-8. At this point
Black's threats are exhausted and White wins the game. An eternal life
is fought out just like an ordinary ko: both Black and White must make
ko threats.
Dia. 3-2-10 |
The super-ko rule is thus a generalization of the ko rule. In cyclic
positions such as triple or quadruple ko, the game progresses without
ever recreating a previous position.
The super-ko rule is sometimes phrased as "prohibiting repetition
of the same position," but that phrasing can give rise to doubts
as to which move should be interpreted as the repeating move. There
is a danger that the interpretation may differ slightly, depending on
whether "repetition" is stressed or "same position"
is stressed. The expression "prohibiting recreation of the same
position" is better because it leaves no room for any doubt
- *
- Actually, under Ikeda's formulation of the super-ko rule Black A
is allowed because it is not a capturing move. Rule 4 in Part I states
that, "If playing on a grid point places any stones of the other
color in a removable state, the configuration resulting from removal of
those stones must not be identical to a configuration that has already
appeared in the game." Rule 4 may have been worded in this way
to avoid awkward sentence structure in Japanese. Judging from Dia.
3-2-10 and the discussion in section 3.3, Ikeda intended the super-ko
restriction to apply to all moves, not just capturing moves.
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