Black 79, White pass, Black 83, White 80, Black 87, White 82, Black
pass, White pass (end of the game)
Since White passed first the half-point rule applies and Black wins by
only four points. Another possibility is:
Black 79, White 82, Black 83, White 80, Black 87, White pass, Black
pass, White pass (end of the game)
The first pass was made by White after Black 87, so again the half-point
rule applies and Black wins by only four points.
As this example shows, there are situations in which the first pass is
made for the sake of the half-point rule, so the end of the game must
be defined by two consecutive passes after the first pass. The feature
of area rules III is that the first pass is made to identify the last
competitive move, not to identify the end of the game. After this pass,
two consecutive passes signify that the players have agreed that the
game is over.
In the present example, depending on how White plays, the last
competitive move under area rules III can come at Black 79 or at Black
87. White can also pass after Black 83, making that the last competitive
Let's see some other ways this game can end under territory rules I.
Referring to Dia. 6-3-5:
Black 79, White 80, Black 81, White 82, Black 83, White pass, Black pass
(preliminary end), White pass, Black pass (end of the game)
Black wins by four points. Another possibility is:
Black 79, White pass, Black pass (preliminary end), White 80, Black 81,
White 82, Black 83, White pass (giving a prisoner), Black pass (giving a
prisoner; end of the game)