In Dia. 6-9-1 there is a bent four in the bottom right corner and a seki
in the top left. White cannot eliminate the ko threat in the top left.
Under traditional territory rules the bent four is unconditionally dead
anyway, so White wins the game.
Dia. 6-9-1 (56-59) pass: 57, 58
Under territory rules I Black 57 and White 58 pass, establishing the
preliminary end. The game then continues as in Dias. 6-9-2 to 6-9-4.
Black 67 makes a ko threat and Black 69 recaptures the ko. The game ends
with two passes at Black 73 and White 74. Black lives in the bottom
right by giving up his stones in the top left, and wins the game by one
point. You can verify that Black also wins by one point under area rules