aclat, 6k* versus jansteen, 3d* (1994-04-16)
Figure 9:
B 20 -- B 28
In the real game: Index *
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Variations: Parent * Previous * Next
From this diagram: Variation 1 (More points)
- B20
Bad shape, the reason is that...
- W21
... after this answer, there is still something left at p17.
- B22
Big move, black is right not to be too worried about p17, black won't die there!
- W23
Testing black's response. Depending on black's answer white will decide what to do next.
- B24
Good response, making the corner alive and all further moves by white here gote (black doesn't need to respond them).
- B26
Black is still worried about the p17 stone, but shouldn't be. The corner is alive, so moving p17 is only endgame value. This means however, that m18 is also only endgame value. Slightly small in this stage.
- W27
White doesn't answer m18 at l18 because black would ignore it.
- B28
Black could/should consider the other direction, variation "More points".