
5th Obayashi Cup
7th and 8th September 1996


Detailed information on the Obayashi Cup tournament can be found on the pre-announcement page. What follows is a brief summary of this years event.

Macmahon Tournament

We had another increase in the number of players this year. 228 players joined the first day Macmahon tournament deciding the top 16 who would qualify for the play-off on Sunday. In the preliminary tournament over 4 rounds 13 players managed to win all their games (fl. 200,=), 52 players won 3 games (fl. 100,=), and nearly 100 players won 2 games (fl. 20,=).

Championship Play-off

The players who qualified for the championship group were:
    Guo Juan             7d, Holland
    Zhang Shutai         7d, China  
    Frank Janssen        6d, Holland
    Zhao Pei             6d, China  
    David Schoffel       6d, Germany
    Felix Arnim          5d, Germany
    Pierre Colmez        5d, France 
    Geert Groenen        5d, Holland
    Gilles van Eeden     5d, Holland
    Christoph Gerlach    5d, Germany
    Filip Vanderstappen  4d, Holland
    Caspar Nijhuis       4d, Holland
    Emil Nijhuis         4d, Holland
    Willem Koen Pomstra  4d, Holland
    Rob Koopman          4d, Holland
    Thomas Koranda       4d, Czech  
The final results of this years Obayashi Championship are:
Zhang Shutai          Zhang
David Schoffel         |        Zhang
                       |         |
Geert Groenen         Arnim      |
Felix Arnim                      |
                                 |      Zhao
Frank Janssen         Janssen    |       |
Filip Vanderstappen    |         |       |
                       |        Zhao     |
Zhao Pei              Zhao               |
Caspar Nijhuis                           |
                                         | Guo (Obayashi Champion 1996)
Emil Nijhuis          Nijhuis            |
Pierre Colmez          |        Nijhuis  |
                       |         |       |
Christoph Gerlach     Gerlach    |       |
Willem Koen Pomstra              |       |
                                 |       Guo
Rob Koopman                      |
Gilles van Eeden      van Eeden  |
                       |         |
Thomas Koranda         |        Guo
Guo Juan              Guo
Two notes on these results:
  1. First time we had an all-female Obayashi Cup final
  2. Guo Juan won the Obayashi Cup for the third time (out of 5) When she wins it again next year it will be three times in a row.


The final between Ms. Guo Juan from the Netherlands (last year winner) and Miss Zhao Pei from Germany. Guo Juan had the black stones and won on time. Below three diagrams, the game record is available as well.

Figure 1: 1-51

Figure 2: 51-100

Figure 3: 101-135
127 at 121, 129 at 118
(further moves ommitted)