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information | preview | semeai-01es and sts-rv by ricard vilà  


Ricard Vila

I have stayed for six months in AI laboratory, Université Paris VII. During this time I have made my Master Thesis under the supervision of Tristan Cazenave. Here you can find the main results of my work.


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Based on previous works by Martin Müller and Tristan Cazenave i propose a complete implementation of a semeai resolution module. The final result of this project is Semeai-01ES; a powerful module that shows a great performance against the STS-RV.

You can get my M.Th. (in spanish) here: pdf, ps.

When one eye is sufficient

Published on the 10th Advances in Computer Games Conference held in Graz (november 2003). This paper introduces completely new concepts like the neighbour classification and the life property that help to improve how eye shape status is decided.

You can get the paper here: ps and the presentation here ppt


A complete Semeai Test Suite using GTP with 722 tests in 130 sgf files. First part of the suite is quite specific to the architecture proposed for Semeai-01ES, it performs tests for semeais of class 0, 1 and 2 following Müller's classification and also for class e which is a new improvement. Second part of the suite contains completely general tests, some of the them obtained from amateur and professional games, some from Richard Bozulich's Get Strong at Tesuji and some from Richard Hunter Counting liberties and winning capturing races. Many thanks to both of them for their support and his permission to distribute the suite.

You can get the suite here: zip

Contact the author

To contact you can do it at ritx(@ symbol without parenthesis) (sorry to write the address in such an odd manner but i hate spam).


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