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Kweon KabYong baduk school

Kweon KabYong baduk school has accomplished total score of 100 professional dans.

Wonder boy Kim JiSeok (14 years old) has become the 197th professional last month by 9 wins 1 loss result. That marked 33th professionals from Kweon school starting with Nam ChiHyung 14 years ago.

The most well known baduk leaneage is the Kitani school which reached 500 dans. But that includes dans belonged to the early professionals who passed away. The history of Kitani school dates back 50 years. Unfortunately it has been inactive recently with only the fossilized records of the past. But Kweon's school is very active and alive. It is expected that within 5 years it will reach 200 dan. Lee SeDol 9p would be the most talked about baduk player from this school who is holding Fujitsu cup and LG cup.

Won SeongJin and Choi CheolHan also are from this school

Kim JuHo 4p also has been attracting peoples attention lately.

Won or Choi will become the holder of the Bacchus cup Cheonwon title. Chunswiyen 2p (?) and Jang Jeong Ping 1p from Taiwan are from this school as well who made Kweon's school internationally renowned.


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