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Why to study problems?
Studying problems is a way to train us, to solidly improve our capabilities to read during actual games. Often we want to do big things without doing the small necessary things that big things need. Same in baduk, often we want to be a strong player but we don't work enough to read correctly, to see what is really going to happen. To use this problems collection you have to try them every day and step by step you will find in yourself a new strength, self-confidence and you will "feel" the game, the natural flow of the stones. Studying problems is like learning words when mastering a foreign language. The more words you add to your vocabulary the more comfortable you feel speaking the language. Solving Go problems has nothing to do with sitting behind a Go board in a cold and dark attic, sweating for hours while trying to solve one position. Again it is quite similar to learning foreign words: you go over them, read the translation (solution) and once the whole list is completed you check how many you actually remembered. You repeat this as long as you feel like it.
Pierre Audouard
Jan van der Steen


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How to use

You can change the problem levels (if more levels are available) by using the "^harder" and "easierv" switches in the top-right corner of the page.
You can scroll through a set by using the "|<start", "<prev", "next>" and "end>|" buttons also in the top-right corner of the page.
You can try out moves by clicking on the board (JavaScript required). The response will either be 'correct' or 'wrong'.
The links to the full solution including brief comments are situated below the problem diagram. You can use either:

replay solution online replay facility
download solution load the solution in your local SGF viewer
(not available for all sets)
print solution print the solution diagrams
(not available for all sets)

The Bingo Problem - This problem comes from PG Bingo. It's specially for elderly people and suppose to be extremely fun. Go to the problem

The Problem Collections

Warming up
These problems come from a Japanese problem book which features 80 pages with 30 problems each. The problems published here were taken from an advertisement in the Kido monthly magazine February 1998.

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The Korean Problem Academy
These problems come from four Korean's books, popular in baduk academy, specially made to train young kids whom study to become dan level players. There are four levels starting at about 25 kyu up to about 4 dan. Each level features at least 100 problems.

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The Problem Archives

Wei-chi Ancient Patterns
These problems come from the book: "Wei-chi Ancient Patterns". Each problem is interesting, either by the unusual shapes or by the dazzling tree of variations. You might have seen some of the problems before.

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The Korschelt Collection
These problems come from the book: "The Theory and Practice of Go" by Oscar Korschelt. These problems are of historical value and for your entertainment.

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Dutch Go Magazine Tsumego Archive
These problems have been published over the years in the Dutch Go Magazine, issued 6 times/year. Each issue carries 10 tsume-go problems, increasingly difficult in the 15 kyu-1 dan range. This archive will fill up gradually over time...

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Other Problem Sites external link
Adam Miller offers a Java applet which allows you to solve Go problems interactively. The problems are split up in various categories and users can add problems as well.
TsumeGo mailing list external link
A Go problems mailing list. Receive each week 3 or 4 problems of various levels (from 20 kyu to 5 dan) set up by Fan Hui, 2p.
Go Tools external link
The GoTools by Thomas Wolf is available online allowing you to solve Go problems interactively. The interface is by Jean-Pierre Vesinet (Paris).
Hitachi Tsumego external link
A weekly Go problem is published on the web by Minoru Harada from the Hitachi corporation.
UliGo external link
Ulrich Goertz wrote this Python program which lets you solve go problems interactively. It is also fairly easy to add problems to the collection or even to create your own collections. He offers classical go problem collections on his website.
Tester external link
Shaun Dawson wrote this Java applet which allows you to solve Go problems interactively.
Tutor external link
Geoffrey Hopcraft offers a Java applet which also allows you to solve Go problems interactively. Unfortunately, this link doesn not seem to be valid anymore. Updates would be appreciated.
Problems external link
Problems, no further information available.
Statistics external link
Matthew MacFadyen, a British Go player started an inventory of problem knowledge versus player strength. It will be interesting to see how Go strength relates to problem solving skills.

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