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Academy A garden or grove near Athens (so named from the hero Academus), where Plato and his followers held their philosophical conferences; hence, the school of philosophy of which Plato was head.

(From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English)

(image by Pelle Evensen)

Collection overview
There are four sets of problems with an increasing level:

Level Difficulty Problems Go to...
Level 1 25 kyu - 15 kyu 200
Level 2 15 kyu - 5 kyu 200
Level 3 5 kyu - 1 kyu 150
Level 4 1 kyu - 4 dan 200

Select the level in the first column to solve it from the start or enter the desired number in the last column and press the tab key to go to a specific problem.

The recommended way to study is to solve these kind of problems during a half hour or one hour. It's the way they use it in Korea, every day. When you finish a level, you have to start again, 4 or 5 times.

Pierre Audouard, 2003-05-24

The source of these problems

These problems come from four Korean's books, popular in baduk academy, especially made to train young kids whom study to become dan level players. For those interested in purchasing the books we've included the ISBN numbers:

Volume 1
Code 1: 9 788988 847091
Code 2: 04690
ISBN : 89-88847-09-1
ISBN : 89-88847-08-3
Volume 2
Code 1: 9 788988 847107
Code 2: 04690
ISBN : 89-88847-10-5
ISBN : 89-88847-08-3
Volume 3
Code 1: 9 788988 847114
Code 2: 04690
ISBN : 89-88847-11-3
ISBN : 89-88847-08-3
Volume 4
Code 1: 9 788988 847121
Code 2: 04690
ISBN : 89-88847-12-1
ISBN : 89-88847-08-3

Originally there are no answers in these books. Gobase gives answers because there are people curious to know about baduk without a specific attention for their level or their strength. But if you want to improve: never go to read answers, try to understand by yourself... and if you want an advice on what you find, you can send me E-mail with your solution and then I will tell you if it's good or not.

Limited access
All material is © copyright by Pierre Audouard. No reproduction, publishing or use in any form is allowed without his explicit permission. The first 10 problems at each level are freely accessible. To access all problems you need a GoBase account. Please refer to the registration page for further details.


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