Chen Yaoha [cn]
Cho HunHyun [kr] and wife
Choi CheolHan at younger age
Choi MoonYong, 4p from Korea
Choi MoonYong, 4p from Korea
Dong Yan,7p from China
The person next to Einstein is Fukuda Masayoshi sensei
6p. The photo is probably taken from one of his books
(he was travelling a lot) where he describes his meeting
with Einstein in the USA in 1951. He proposed to set up
a game between Einstein and a Japanese physicist Nobel
prize winner but Einstein declined to accept. (Maybe his
decision was made due to the fact that he was not a very
strong Go player and that the Japanese physicist was a
higher amateur dan).
Fan Hui [cn]
A photo showing Fukuda sensei together with other
great Go players at a shodo exhibition in 1964.
The calligraphies on the right were writen
by the Go players shown in the picture:
Sitting from right to left:
Sakata Eio 9p, Go Seigen 9p, Mrs. Bannai, Mr. Arimitsu,
Iwamoto Kaoru 8p, Fukuda Masayoshi 6p.
Standing from right to left:
Mr. Ota, Mr. Bannai jr. and his wife, Fujita Goro 6p.
This picture is from Shin Fuseki Ho and was taken in about 1934.
It shows Go Seigen, Kitani and Yasunaga.
This was taken at the time that Go and Kitani were working on new fuseki ideas.
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