The index below is based on the excellent joseki dictionary
Ishida Joseki Jiten, Seibundo Publishing Company
Joseki Jiten (Joseki Dictionary, edited by
Ishida Yoshio
and published by the Seibundo Publishing Company).
The main reason for choosing an existing index is that it will enable you
to study the joseki using these books while using the online dictionary
to fetch up-to-date examples of each of the joseki coming straight from
the tough battle grounds of professional Go. The combination of these
two might help you deepening your knowledge and understanding of
the joseki sequences in the game of Go.
Things which you might be interested to learn from the professional
games are:
- Which joseki are applied in certain fuseki pattern
- What are the follow-up moves in a joseki pattern:
- What are the attacking moves
- What are the defensive moves
- What are the forcing moves
- What are the endgame moves
- Which joseki are most frequently played and by whom
- Which joseki are currently fashionable
- How do joseki evolve over the years