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The scoring below is based on the games found on this website played in the period 1995-01-31 till 2004-05-21, so it's most likely not the complete set of games played by these players. You can make these ranking more correct by keeping submitting games to The ordering is by the nett number of points scored, ie. the number of wins minus losses. Click on other column headers to change the default ordering.


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Professional ranking
Name M/F born # + - = +/- %
1 Korea Korea Lee ChangHo M 1975-07-29 511 375 136 0 239 73.39
2 China China Chang Hao M 1976-11-07 349 217 132 0 85 62.18
3 Korea Korea Cho HoonHyun M 1953-03-10 434 251 183 0 68 57.83
4 Korea Korea Yoo ChangHyuk M 1966-04-25 349 205 144 0 61 58.74
5 Korea Japan Cho Chikun M 1956-06-20 347 202 144 0 58 58.21
6 Korea Korea Lee SeDol M 1983-03-02 192 124 68 0 56 64.58
7 Taiwan Japan O Rissei M 1958-11-07 302 176 125 0 51 58.28
8 Japan Japan Kobayashi Koichi M 1952-09-10 228 137 91 0 46 60.09
9 China China Zhou Xianheng M 1976-06-18 203 124 79 0 45 61.08
10 China China Gu Li M 1983-02-03 122 82 40 0 42 67.21
11 China China Wang Lei M 1977-12-26 212 126 86 0 40 59.43
12 Japan Japan Yoda Norimoto M 1966-02-11 220 129 91 0 38 58.64
13 China Korea Rui Naiwei F 1963-12-28 159 95 64 0 31 59.75
14 Japan Japan Yamashita Keigo M 1978-09-06 167 98 68 0 30 58.68
15 China China Dong Yan M 1977-08-08 113 68 45 0 23 60.18
16 China China Ma Xiaochun M 1964-08-26 253 137 116 0 21 54.15
17 Korea Korea Choi CheolHan M 1985-03-12 61 41 20 0 21 67.21
18 Taiwan Japan Cho U M 1980-01-20 86 53 33 0 20 61.63
19 China China Yu Bin M 1967-04-16 216 117 98 0 19 54.17
20 China China Kong Jie M 1982-11-25 127 72 55 0 17 56.69
21 Korea Korea Park YoungHoon M 1985-04-01 58 36 22 0 14 62.07
22 China China Liu Xiaoguang M 1960-03-20 141 77 64 0 13 54.61
23 China China Xie He M 1984-05-14 69 41 28 0 13 59.42
24 Korea Korea Kim JooHo M 1984-12-05 27 19 8 0 11 70.37
25 Korea Korea Cho HyeYeon F 1985-06-07 23 17 6 0 11 73.91
26 Korea Korea Song TaeKon M 1986-09-08 60 35 25 0 10 58.33
27 Korea Korea Mok JinSeok M 1980-01-20 143 76 67 0 9 53.15
28 China China Ding Wei M 1979-05-06 123 66 57 0 9 53.66
29 China China Hu Yaoyu M 1982-01-18 116 62 54 0 8 53.45
30 Korea Korea Cho HanSung M 1982-11-27 81 44 37 0 7 54.32
31 Japan Japan Kobayashi Izumi F 1977-06-20 61 34 27 0 7 55.74
32 China China Lin Chaohua M 1977-01-24 48 27 21 0 6 56.25
33 China China Shao Weigang M 1973-02-21 159 82 77 0 5 51.57
34 Japan Japan Kobayashi Satoru M 1959-04-05 147 76 71 0 5 51.70
35 China China Zhang Wendong M 1969-05-05 143 74 69 0 5 51.75
36 Japan Japan Hane Naoki M 1976-08-14 117 61 56 0 5 52.14
37 Japan Japan Takao Shinji M 1976-10-26 48 26 21 0 5 54.17
38 Korea Korea Park JiEun F 1983-11-04 45 25 20 0 5 55.56
39 Japan Japan Honda Teruko F 1939-09-03 7 6 1 0 5 85.71
40 Japan Japan Chinen Kaori F 1974-07-28 60 32 28 0 4 53.33
41 Korea Korea An ChoYoung M 1979-09-25 77 40 37 0 3 51.95
42 Japan Japan Mimura Tomoyasu M 1969-07-04 37 20 17 0 3 54.05
43 Korea Korea Park SungCheol M 1982-04-11 15 9 6 0 3 60.00
44 China China Li Chunhua F 1973-04-18 15 9 6 0 3 60.00
45 Japan Japan Ushinohama Satsuo M 1948-01-22 7 5 2 0 3 71.43
46 Korea Korea Kweon HyoJin F 1982-03-27 7 5 2 0 3 71.43
47 Korea Japan Kin Hidetoshi M 1980-01-24 5 4 1 0 3 80.00
48 China China Wang Yuhui M 1976-06-14 98 50 48 0 2 51.02
49 China China Liu Xing M 1984-10-12 66 34 32 0 2 51.52
50 Japan Japan Nishida Terumi F 1970-01-03 12 7 5 0 2 58.33

(Submitted by:


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