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Introduction to the Korschelt archive

Archive The place in which public records or historic documents are kept.

(From The 1913 Webster)

(book review)

These problems come from the book: "The Theory and Practice of Go" by Oscar Korschelt. Oscar Korschelt arrived in Japan in the 1860's where he became a student of one of the leading Japanese Go players of the era. He was one of the German technology experts employed by the Meiji government to help Japan become a modern nation.

Please don't take these problems too seriously while trying to solve them to improve your reading skills. Study the problems in the Problem Academy instead. These problems are of historical value and for your entertainment.

Topher A. Cawlfield, 2002-06-01

Collection overview
There is only one level of problems although the difficulty differs quite a lot:

Level Difficulty Problems
Level 1 5 kyu - 6 dan 146

Limited access
All material is © copyright by Topher Cawlfield. No reproduction, publishing or use in any form is allowed without his explicit permission. The first 10 problems at each level are freely accessible. To access all problems you need a GoBase account. Please refer to the registration page for further details.


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