Frontpage |
The frontpage of GoBase.org is roughly divided into three parts:
- center column
- The content of the page. The site notes at the top will remind you
of new features or noteworthy content.
The news, just below the site notes includes headlines reporting
about results of Go tournaments from all over the world.
The scene and date, displayed just above the news item points
you to the page with full coverage of the tournament.
- left column
- The main index ordered by various tasks such as: reading, studying
or playing.
- right column
- The tournament index ordered by tournament scene and date.
Included near the bottom of this column is the tournament agenda.
Selecting any of the items in the right menu or any of the news items
will bring you to a tournament coverage page (see below).
In the top-right corner of the page you'll find the site search. |
tasks |
Topics and tournament index, news, tips, agenda, site search |
sample |
GoBase.org |
from here |
Frontpage | Tournament coverage | Tournament index | Player biography | Player browser | Player search | Picture gallery | Game search | Game replay | Game printing | Game conversion | Internet Go dictionary | Your repository | Sitemap | Guided tour | What's New? |
complete tour | tournament coverage
Tournament coverage |
For each stage of the tournament a section will display the
tournament scheme or just list the games as available from GoBase.org.
The menu of the page includes (or might include) the following items:
- prev
- Previous edition of the tournament
- next
- Next edition of the tournament
- index
- Tournament overview (see below)
- details
- List all games appearing on the page but now with full details specified
- pictures
- Show the pictures related to this tournament edition
When the tournament winner results from a match the id-cards of the
players will be displayed including the following links:
- biography
- Links to the full biography (see below) of the player
- title matches
- List all title matches this player was involved in
- game collection
- List all games of this player (see below) available from GoBase.org
tasks |
Schemes, games and pictures of a tournament edition |
sample |
Kisung title, 15th edition |
from here |
Frontpage | Tournament coverage | Tournament overview | Player biography | Tournament pictures | Game replay | Game printing |
frontpage | complete tour | tournament overview
tournament coverage | complete tour | tournament index
Tournament index |
The page lists all tournaments in a given Go scene. The scenes covered
by GoBase.org are: international, Japan, Korea and China.
The tournaments are split up by category such as major, minor, female,
lightning Go and more. The page also gives an overview of the prize
money denoted to the major tournaments. Finally, the page lists the
title holders of these major tournaments, ordered by number of titles. |
tasks |
Tournament index, prize money, title holders |
sample |
Korean Go Scene |
from here |
Frontpage | Tournament overview | Tournament index | Player biography |
tournament overview | complete tour | player biography
Player biography |
The page is divided into three parts:
- biography data
- Various information about the player such as name, alternative names and
writings, birthdate, teacher(s), rank, affiliation and PID (player id on
GoBase.org). The graph displays the rank development over the years.
- player performance
- The performance of the player split up by wins, draws and losses.
The graph shows the performance over the years and the number of games
played in every year.
- player games
- The form enables you to access the games of the player, determine
which game properties should be displayed and how the game list should
be sorted.
The page menu contains the following items:
- stats
- Display global statistics on the GoBase.org biography database such
as country distribution, number of pictures, distribution by rank and
- browsing
- Start up the player biography browser (see below)
- searching
- Start up the player biography search facility (see below)
- details
- Show all details concerning the performance of the player
- matches
- Show all matches this player has been involved in domestically
as internationally
tasks |
Player biography, progression, performance, games |
sample |
Choi CheolHan biography |
from here |
Frontpage | Player biography | Player title matches | Player game list | Player browser | Player search |
tournament index | complete tour | player title matches
player biography | complete tour | player game list
player title matches | complete tour | player browser
player game list | complete tour | player search
player browser | complete tour | tournament pictures
player search | complete tour | picture gallery
Picture gallery |
The picture archive of GoBase.org, split up in various categories such
as professional go players, amateur go players, IGS celebraties and events.
Thumbnails are shown of the full-size pictures which are accessible
by clicking the preview images. The full-size pictures will be
displayed in a separate window. |
tasks |
Picture collections of players, events and more |
sample |
Picture gallery - various professionals |
from here |
Frontpage | Picture gallery |
tournament pictures | complete tour | game search
picture gallery | complete tour | advanced game search
game search | complete tour | game replay
Game replay |
One of the most popular services on GoBase.org is replaying
games using the online replayer. It's accessible from the
game listings, the tournament edition pages and sometimes
from the news headlines on the frontpage. The latter are
freely accessible to anyone. For all other means of access
you need an account. |
tasks |
Replay games online |
sample |
game replay documentation |
from here |
Frontpage | Player biography | Game replay | Game printing |
advanced game search | complete tour | game printing
Game printing |
Using sgf2misc online you can print game records to various popular
output formats such as PostScript, EPSF files, various image formats
or plain ASCII (to use for E-mail or Usenet for example).
Using the input form you can either enter SGF code from scratch,
print game records from GoBase.org or upload your own game records.
Depending on the output format choosen you can specify various print
options such as colour, coordinates, comments, diagrams and you can
set the moments at which a diagram should be printed. The sgf2misc
online software knows about the FG[] tag, so if it's present in the
SGF code it will be used. |
tasks |
Print a game record in various output formats |
sample |
game printing - image mode |
from here |
Frontpage | Game printing | Game conversion |
game replay | complete tour | game conversion
Game conversion |
Using sgf2misc online you can convert all popular game formats
from and to SGF format. When you're converting from SGF to SGF
you can do geometric conversions (rotate, mirror) and delete
SGF properties as specified. |
tasks |
Convert a game record to various other popular formats |
sample |
game conversion - SGF mode |
from here |
Frontpage | Game printing | Game conversion |
game printing | complete tour | internet go dictionary
Internet Go dictionary |
The game of Go has lots of jargon and many concepts which might
be quite confusing when starting to learn the game.
The Internet Go dictionary allows you to look up these words
and get them translated into 11 languages and illustrated by
hundreds of diagrams and proverbs. Even when you know all that
jargon it might be worth a visit. |
tasks |
Look up and study Go jargon and Go proverbs |
sample |
the internet go dictionary definition of "shicho" |
from here |
Frontpage | Player biography | Internet Go dictionary |
game conversion | complete tour | your repository
internet go dictionary | complete tour | korean problem academy
Korean problem academy |
The Korean problem academy is by far the largest problem set
available on the internet. It's part of the curriculum studied
by Korean baduk players to improve their reading. The material
is divided into four levels, from 25 kyu up to 4 dan.
Other problem sets on GoBase.org are available, both easier as
harder. |
tasks |
Follow the Korean curriculum to improve your reading |
sample |
Korean problem academy - level 2 |
from here |
Frontpage | Game replay | Korean problem academy |
your repository | complete tour | sitemap
Sitemap |
The amount of study material on GoBase.org is staggering so the sitemap
might come to your help to find your way on this site. You select your
level, decide whether you want to read, study or both and a list of
material suited to your level and task is presented to you, split up
in various sections: browsing, searching, studying and reading. |
tasks |
Browse the study and reading material suited to your level |
sample |
sitemap |
from here |
Frontpage | Internet Go dictionary | Your repository | Korean problem academy | Sitemap | Guided tour |
korean problem academy | complete tour | guided tour
Guided tour |
A both sequential and relational presentation of the material and services
offered to you by GoBase.org, enabling you to get familiar with them and
try them out. |
tasks |
Browse various facilities of GoBase.org |
sample |
guided tour |
from here |
Frontpage | Sitemap | Guided tour |
sitemap | complete tour | what's new?
What's New? |
It's quite impossible to scan the website for new material
so it's been monitored and displayed on one page, the
"What's new" page. While noticable new features are announced
on the frontpage and headlines from the Go scene can be found
in the news section, this page monitors even the slightest
change in the material monitored: tournaments, documents and games. |
tasks |
Check for new material, articles and games on GoBase.org |
sample |
What is new the past forthnight on GoBase.org? |
from here |
Frontpage | Tournament coverage | What's New? |
guided tour | complete tour
| |