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Japan  tournaments | gosei tournament  

The Gosei title is decided in a best of five match. The challenger is decided in a large knockout tournament starting with about 40 players. The 17th edition will give you an idea of the current tournament structure.

The Gosei tournament formula initially consisted of a knockout preliminaries to qualify for the challenger league. In case of tied 1st place a challenger playoff would decide the challenger of the title holder. The 2nd edition is a good example of this formula.

The formula changed again with the 5th edition. A challenger knockout tournament decides the two players who will compete in a best-of-three match the challenger for the title match.

The Japanese Title Overview page shows what's available.

 Chugoku Shimbun 
 3835  403b 
Edition Final Details
46th 2021 Iyama Yuta Ichiriki Ryo 3-2
45th 2020 Ichiriki Ryo Hane Naoki 3-0
44th 2019 Hane Naoki Kyo Kagen 3-2
43rd 2018 Kyo Kagen Iyama Yuta 3-0
42nd 2017 Iyama Yuta Yamashita Keigo 3-0
41st 2016 Iyama Yuta Murakawa Daisuke 3-0
40th 2015 Iyama Yuta Yamashita Keigo 3-1
39th 2014 Iyama Yuta Kono Rin 3-2
38th 2013 Iyama Yuta Kono Rin 3-2
37th 2012 Iyama Yuta Hane Naoki 3-0
36th 2011 Hane Naoki Sakai Hideyuki 3-2
35th 2010 Sakai Hideyuki Cho U 3-2
34th 2009 Cho U Yuki Satoshi 3-0
33rd 2008 Cho U Yamashita Keigo 3-1
32nd 2007 Cho U Yokota Shigeaki 3-0
31st 2006 Cho U Yoda Norimoto 3-0
30th 2005 Yoda Norimoto Yuki Satoshi 3-0
29th 2004 Yoda Norimoto Yamada Kimio 3-1
28th 2003 Yoda Norimoto Kobayashi Koichi 3-2
27th 2002 Kobayashi Koichi Yuki Satoshi 3-1
26th 2001 Kobayashi Koichi Yamashita Keigo 3-2
25th 2000 Yamashita Keigo Kobayashi Koichi 3-2
24th 1999 Kobayashi Koichi Yoda Norimoto 3-2
23rd 1998 Yoda Norimoto Sonoda Yuichi 3-0
22nd 1997 Yoda Norimoto Yuki Satoshi 3-1
21st 1996 Yoda Norimoto Kobayashi Satoru 3-0
20th 1995 Kobayashi Satoru Rin Kaiho 3-2
19th 1994 Rin Kaiho Kobayashi Koichi 3-1
18th 1993 Kobayashi Koichi Rin Kaiho 3-0
17th 1992 Kobayashi Koichi Kobayashi Satoru 3-1
16th 1991 Kobayashi Koichi Kobayashi Satoru 3-2
15th 1990 Kobayashi Koichi Kobayashi Satoru 3-0
14th 1989 Kobayashi Koichi Imamura Toshiya 3-1
13th 1988 Kobayashi Koichi Kato Masao 3-0
12th 1987 Kato Masao Cho Chikun 3-1
11th 1986 Cho Chikun Otake Hideo 3-0
10th 1985 Otake Hideo Kudo Norio 3-1
9th 1984 Otake Hideo Kato Masao 3-1
8th 1983 Otake Hideo Awaji Shuzo 3-2
7th 1982 Otake Hideo Cho Chikun 3-2
6th 1981 Otake Hideo Kato Masao 3-1
5th 1980 Otake Hideo Cho Chikun 3-1
4th 1979 Cho Chikun Otake Hideo 3-0
3rd 1978 Otake Hideo Kato Masao 3-1
2nd 1977 Kato Masao Takemiya Masaki 3-0
1st 1976 Kato Masao Otake Hideo 3-2


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In the overview players link to their biographies while results link to a detailed description of the edition.


To find the name of a player in other languages such as Chinese or Korean please refer either to the dictionary pages, Internet Go Dictionary or their biography pages.


If you have additional information to the supplied info or if you can supply us with the results of other tournaments please send an E-mail about it and it will be included on these pages.

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