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Japan  tournaments | old meijin tournament  

The Meijin title is decided in a best of seven match with 8 hours thinking time per person. The challenger comes from a league with 9 participants. The players in the league are ordered according to their results in the previous year. The winner becomes challenger (a playoff game decides in case of a tie) and the lowest three players demote and are replaced by the winners of the three qualification knockout tournaments. Again, in case of a tie a playoff game decides who demotes. The 19th edition of the tournament shows all stages, so you can get an idea. These pages include all title match games and the league and playoff games when available. The Japanese Title Overview page shows what's available.

The Meijin is the second most prestigeous title with a first prize of about USD 200,000,=

This tournament is defunct.

 Yomiuri Shimbun 
 4c3e  3f4d 
Edition Final Details
14th 1975 Otake Hideo Ishida Yoshio 4-3
13th 1974 Ishida Yoshio Rin Kaiho 4-3
12th 1973 Rin Kaiho Ishida Yoshio 4-3
11th 1972 Rin Kaiho Fujisawa Shuko 4-2
10th 1971 Rin Kaiho Fujisawa Shuko 4-2
9th 1970 Fujisawa Shuko Rin Kaiho 4-2
8th 1969 Rin Kaiho Takagawa Shukaku 4-2
7th 1968 Takagawa Shukaku Rin Kaiho 4-1
6th 1967 Rin Kaiho Sakata Eio 4-1
5th 1966 Rin Kaiho Sakata Eio 4-1
4th 1965 Rin Kaiho Sakata Eio 4-2
3rd 1964 Sakata Eio Fujisawa Shuko 4-1
2nd 1963 Sakata Eio Fujisawa Shuko 4-3
1st 1962 Fujisawa Shuko Go Seigen 9-3


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In the overview players link to their biographies while results link to a detailed description of the edition.

+ New Meijin tournament

To find the name of a player in other languages such as Chinese or Korean please refer either to the dictionary pages, Internet Go Dictionary or their biography pages.


If you have additional information to the supplied info or if you can supply us with the results of other tournaments please send an E-mail about it and it will be included on these pages.

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